WearBands™ constant tension simultaneously reaches and activates more core, glute and leg muscles for a longer period of time during any activity.
More and longer muscle activation means more glute and leg development with less reps in less time...doing ANYTHING!
Increases calorie burn by up to 20% and cardio by 10% per session.
First of all, you can do absolutely ANYTHING in them, and your core, glutes and legs are being engaged. Sure, they're great for booty workouts, but if you prefer something else (a walk, a hike, a fitness class, just working around the house), your booty and legs are getting a workout.
There is no wasted workout time putting on and taking off bands, because you're wearing them! Just move seamlessly from one move to the next, reducing workout time and increasing cardio and calorie burn.
Don't be fooled by those single "booty bands!" The only activate a small area of your glutes and abductors. WearBands gets those areas and a lot more for a complete glute and leg workout from the same exercises.
WearBands is fully customizable by shoe size, height and resistance level (5 included) for any activity and anyone of any size or fitness level.
WearBands will be your most used fitness accessory, because there is nothing you cannot do in it and using it increases the results from whatever you are doing.
5 Levels of resistance to choose from means you will never run out of challenges and you will never plateau.
You will use it at home, outdoors, at the gym and it's the perfect travel fitness accessory.
Bottom line...you will receive far more results in less time and get the most out of each and every minute of your precious fitness time...what's that worth!?