Designed and custom-sized for anyone 10 years old and up, WearBands™ is the ultimate multi-purpose hands-free resistance band system. Engineered to amplify the results of any workout or activity, WearBands™ leverages the science of time under tension and neuromuscular stimulation to help you run faster, jump higher, move better and increase strength and endurance during the workout of your choice.
Which System Is Right for You?
Lower-body base system (3 levels): Our most cost-effective solution, the 3-level lower body system offers plenty of resistance for youth athletes 15-years old & under, and anyone looking to boost the results from their lower-body workouts.
Lower-body pro system (5 levels): This 5-level system add two more, significantly stronger bands, which are great for athletes 16 & up, and for those looking for a way to add significant banded resistance for strength and plyo workouts.
Full-body base system (3 lower levels, 2 upper levels): With the optional upper-body system, WearBands™ becomes the ultimate full-body wearable resistance system. Athletes looking to build upper-body strength specific to their sport, or anyone looking for all-in-one solution for the an efficient, productive full-body workout will love this solution.
Full-body pro system (5 lower levels, 2 upper-levels): With the additional two strongest lower body levels, this full-body system can give you a complete full-body strength, movement, cardio workout like no other!