Base System 3 Levels - Functional Resistance Training | – Wearbands

▪️Wearbands Lower-body Base System - (3 Lower-body Levels) ▪️

$117.00 Regular price

⭐️ Improve functional speed, movement, strength and endurance   ⭐️ Make every workout more productive ⭐️ At-home, Outdoor, in the gym, on the field ⭐️ Sound science, proven results ⭐️

How does WearBands work and what are its advantages?

The WearBands Training System is a groundbreaking advancement in functional resistance training.

The WearBands system applies 100% unrestricted, no impact resistance to 100% any movement at any speed.  WearBands' constant tension significantly increases muscle engagement and activation over a longer period of time, which results in significantly more strength, physique and endurance gains from any type of workout you choose.   Whether you are an athlete looking to improve perfromance or just into fitness and looking to get more results out of the workouts you enjoy, just hook them and go!

WearBands increases muscle engagement by up to 80%, calorie burn by 30% and cardio demand by 15-20%.  By increasing workout volume (reps x resistance), WearBands can also deliver more results in significantly less workout time.

Lightweight & portable.

Wearbands weighs almost nothing, but delivers as little or as much extra resistance as you need.  It is the perfect portable fitness system for at-home, outdoor and travel fitness.  If you have your WearBands system with you, you have your gym. 

Customizable for anyone

WearBands can be used effectively by anyone of any size or fitness level, from 10 years old and up.

The WearBands 3 resistance levels system comes with the first 3 resistance levels.  This system works well for anyone who will most likely not need or want the top 2 levels, which are quite strong and come with the 5-level Pro system.  Many people, including youth athletes, find that this 3 level system provides plenty of resistance options!  If you are an older and stronger athlete or fitness enthusiast, you may prefer the 5-level Pro system. 

Three levels of resistance, no plateauing

With 3 levels fo resistance, you can always find the right level of resistance for any activity and you will never plateau.

Easy to Use.

Wearbands® is simple and quick to put on and take off. Strap on the belt, clip on the resistance bands, and you are ready to go in seconds.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Wearbands comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, which includes return shipping (U.S. Only).

Add the WearBands™ Upper-body System

The WearBands Upper-body system (optional) can be added to the Lower-body system to create the ultimate full-body, go anywhere, do anything functional training system!


The WearBands belt is one-size fits all (approximately 25 inches to 42 inches”

The system is highly customizable based on the following charts: